Development of A Novel Conceptual and Calculative Method for the Prediction of Tide within the Bay of Bengal
Ebb and flow of seawater at regular intervals under the influence of gravitational forces from outside the earth is called tides. This study sheds light on how to measure tides through a new kind of innovative method. This method can be used to measure tides at new locations based on a known tide station. Some parameters play an important role in measuring tides, such as datum information, mean sea level (MSL), mean high water springs (MHWS), mean low water springs (MLWS) and so on. This fancy method is a computational process that relies on observable data and other factors. This innovative method of measuring tides helps to get accurate information in less time and at less cost. From this study we find that the results obtained in our study are in good agreement with the results obtained by other methods and the observed data.
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