Assessment of Asymptotic and Logistics Growth Models on A Chemist Data
This research considers two growth models; asymptotic growth model and logistic growth model. Both models were compared to establish a better model for modelling and prediction based on a Chemist data on the percentage concentration of isomers versus time for each Isomerization of α-Pinene at 189.50C. Results from the growth curve shows a non-linear relationship between the response (time of isomerization) and the independent variables (percentage of concentration) for all the four isomers considered. Based on the four isomers four different quadratic regressions of second-order were fitted. The problem of the initial parameters was addressed by second-order regression techniques since the models considered have three parameters to be estimated before the iterative approach was used. Estimation of parameters was done using modified version of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm in Gretl statistical software. The results from both models were compared based on Aikaike Information Criteri (AIC), Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-square. The Asymptotic Growth Model was identified to be a more adequate model for modelling and predicting growth patterns for three isomers (Dipentene, Pyronene and Dimer) while logistic growth model was seen to be a better model for predicting growth patterns of one isomer (Allo-Ocimene). This study will go a long way in directing Chemists and researchers in that field in choosing the appropriate model for their research.
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